The Ring Chime Not Working (How to Fix Your Problem)

The Ring Chime Not Working

As a tech reviewer with a side hustle, I frequently order Smart Home Tech online. Since I’m glued to my work, I rely on my Ring Chime to notify me of deliveries. Recently, it stopped working, causing delivery issues—some packages weren’t delivered, while others were left vulnerable to porch pirates.

Fortunately, I caught the problem early, avoiding any package losses. Not entirely settled to fix it, I delved into online solutions to get my Ring I delved into online solutions. Checking compatibility and power supply were my first steps, followed by a reset if needed. Addressing these issues promptly brought peace of mind, ensuring I wouldn’t miss any future deliveries.

Why is my chime not working on my Ring?

To get your Ring chime up and running, make sure your Wi-Fi is active so it can sync with both your doorbell and router. Check that your doorbell is compatible and connected to the chime through the Ring app. If you encounter any issues, try power cycling the ring chime and keep an eye on the status LED indicator.

Ring gives different doorbell models, some wired and others battery-controlled, each with particular elements and similarities with various tolls. The Ring chime boosts compatible doorbells to ensure you never miss a notification.

If your chime isn’t working, consider the following common reasons:

  • Confirm that you’ve set up alerts in the Ring app.
  • Check if the chime is offline or has lost its network connection.
  • Verify that the Ring app settings match.
  • Ensure compatibility between your doorbell and chime.
  • Double-check the wiring connections (doorbell, chime, and transformer).
  • Investigate any power supply issues.

Troubleshooting is key to pinpointing and resolving the chime problem. If your doorbell is linked to Alexa, also disable the doorbell Alexa announcement feature in the Alexa app. This should help get your Ring chime back on track.

Troubleshooting Steps for Ring Chime Not Working Problem

Before diving into the steps to troubleshoot, it’s important to understand that the Ring chime employs an LED indicator to convey its status. Paying attention to the color of the LED can provide valuable insights to help you address any issues effectively.

Here’s the breakdown for each indicator light on a Ring chime, assuming the LED functionality hasn’t been disabled in the app:

  • Solid Green: Witness the startup dance as your Chime gracefully boots up, gearing up for action.
  • Alternating Blue and Green: Behold the Chime in its firmware tango, actively updating itself to stay at the top of its game.
  • Flashing Green: Witness the Chime’s invitation to the pairing ball – it’s in pairing mode, ready to dance with new connections.
  • Solid Blue: Bask in the glow of success! Your Chime has seamlessly connected to your home network, creating a harmonious bond.
  • Flashing Blue: Observe the Chime’s networking waltz in progress; it’s in the throes of connecting to your network for a seamless performance.
  • Alternating Red and Green: A drama unfolds – an attempt to connect to Wi-Fi has faltered, likely due to a password hiccup. The colors narrate a tale of connection gone awry.
  • Flashing Red: A poignant moment – setup failure, attributed to the absence of an internet embrace. The red hue signals a call for a digital connection.
  • Solid Red: Witness the Chime in solitude; it’s not currently serenading any Wi-Fi network. A digital hermit in need of connection.
  • No lights: A silent stage – either the LED functionality is muted in the app settings, or a power glitch has dimmed the Chime’s spotlight.

If you observe a solid blue light, it indicates that the chime is successfully hooked up to your home network and should be accessible in the Ring app.

Ring Chime is Offline

Ensure that your Ring chime is not offline; verify its connection to a working power source and your home Wi-Fi.

If the Wi-Fi router in your home is not functioning, this issue may arise. Troubleshoot your Wi-Fi using the following steps:

  • Minimize physical obstacles; ensure there’s a clear space between the router and your Chime.
  • Upgrade to a new router with built-in amplifiers if your current one is outdated.
  • Shift other devices to the 5 GHz network to free up the 2.4 GHz network.
  • If you recently changed your Wi-Fi password or replaced your old router, reconfigure it through the Ring App.

Your Chime might also be offline due to a power outage in your area. In such cases, wait for the power to be restored and then reboot your Chime. This should happen automatically, but if not, continue reading for additional troubleshooting techniques.

Check your Ring Chimp App Settings

Make sure your Ring doorbell and chime are set up to work together by enabling this feature in your doorbell settings.

Begin by verifying the connection and power status of both the doorbell and chime in the Device Health section.

Check that the settings for your doorbell and chime match; specifically, confirm that the doorbell is not configured to ring on your chime. To do this, follow these steps in the Ring App:

  • Select the Doorbell.
  • Navigate to Device Settings.
  • Choose General Settings.
  • Select the Doorbell chime type.
  • Set it to Mechanical, and ensure it’s configured to “Ring my in-home doorbell.”

Ring chime and Doorbell Compatibility

If you’ve double-checked that your chime is properly connected and alerts are turned on in the app, but the chime still isn’t working, it might be due to a compatibility issue.

Ring provides different types of doorbells, including hardwired battery-powered, 100% battery-powered, and directly wired models. How your doorbell interacts with your chime depends on its specific model.

To troubleshoot, make sure your doorbell is correctly wired and connected to both the transformer and chime. Keep in mind that 100% battery-powered doorbells won’t ring inside your house unless they’re linked to a Ring chime, Chime Pro, or connected to an Alexa Echo device.

As I don’t know the exact type of doorbell you have, I recommend checking the “Ring doorbell compatibility webpage” to explore the available options and ensure compatibility.

Reset the Power of Ring Chime

If you notice that the ring logo on your Chime isn’t lighting up, you can try resolving the issue by performing a reboot on your Ring Chime. This process helps reset the power connection to the device and provides an opportunity to change power slots if needed.

Here’s a simple guide:

  • Disconnect your Ring chime by unplugging it.
  • Allow a 30-second pause, and then reconnect it by plugging it back in.
  • Observe the notification light—it should start flickering. Wait for about a minute until the flickering stops and the light becomes steady again. This indicates a successful reboot of your device.

Factory Reset to your Ring Chime

If you ever find yourself dealing with a serious problem with most of your electronic gadgets, one reliable solution is to go for the good old factory reset.

Just locate that reset button, give it a push, and watch the magic happen as your device reboots itself. Wait a minute or two, and you’ll likely see a noticeable improvement. Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process:

  • Firstly, make sure your Ring Chime is getting enough power from the plug.
  • Look for a tiny pinhole on the side of the device.
  • Grab a paperclip, stick it into the pinhole, and keep the reset button pressed for about 20 seconds.

Once you let go of the button, you’ll see the light flashing rapidly, signaling that your device has successfully been reset. Now, you can set it up again from scratch. Remember to hit that reset button if you ever switch your Wi-Fi routers or change your network connection to prevent any potential issues down the road.

Possible Reasons for Ring Chime Not Working

  • Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues: One common reason for Ring Chime malfunctions is a disruption in Wi-Fi connectivity. Ensure that your Wi-Fi network is stable and that the Ring Chime is within a reasonable range of the router. Interference from other devices or obstacles like walls can impact signal strength.
  • App Misconfigurations: Issues with the Ring Chime settings in the Ring app can lead to functionality problems. Double-check that the settings align with your preferences. Focus on any misconfigurations or unexpected changes that might be impacting the device’s show.
  • Device Power Concerns: Insufficient power or irregular power supply can hinder the Ring Chime’s operation. Examine the power source and connections. If the Chime is battery-operated, ensure the batteries are charged. For wired models, check the wiring to ensure a consistent power supply.
  • Firmware or Software Glitches: Like any smart device, Ring Chime relies on software for its operation. Firmware or software glitches can occur, leading to malfunctions. Regularly check for and install any available updates through the Ring app to ensure that your device is running the latest, most stable software.
  • Device Incompatibility: Compatibility issues between the Ring Chime and other Ring devices, especially the Doorbell, can impact performance. Verify that your devices are compatible with each other by consulting the Ring website or contacting customer support. Incompatible devices may require additional configuration or hardware upgrades.
  • Network Security Settings: Some network security settings, such as firewalls or access restrictions, may interfere with the communication between the Ring Chime and the Ring servers. Audit your network security settings and ensure that they take into account the fundamental associations and information trades.

Contact Ring Support

If all else fails, reaching out to Ring Support is your lifeline. Visit the official Ring website for contact details or initiate a support request through the app. Customized assistance is ready to be provided by their committed group, guiding you through troubleshooting steps and ensuring a prompt resolution for your Ring Chime issues.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we would like to share some tips to tackle your problem.

Firstly, when resetting your Ring chime and the notification light remains unlit upon plugging it in, it might indicate damage, necessitating a replacement.

Secondly, before examining the wiring between your doorbell, transformer, and Chime, ensure the circuit breaker is switched off to avoid potential safety risks.

Lastly, if the suggested method for verifying your Ring app settings proves ineffective, try this alternative: Open the Ring app, go to Settings, then In-home chime settings, and select Automatic chime detection. Confirm your selection.

Keep in mind that in-app settings may vary based on your specific Ring doorbell model.

About U Shwe Sing

Hey, I’m U Shwe Sing. I’m a professional Digital Marketing specialist with 2 years of working experience in this sector. Generally, I prefer to write content in the digital marketing sector. I have written many articles to help people solve the problems. I have written articles on SmartHomeClever that address the issues of smart home electronic devices in their daily lives.

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